
Customers, buying behaviour and competition – becoming self-employed #5

Customers, purchasing behaviour and competition – let’s assume that this is the case: The business model is in place, the basic structure is well thought out, the financing is secured, the products are produced, whether software or psychological, the sales department is ready, who are you talking to now? Know your own customers. Their interests, […]

Product Innovation: Idea and USP – Starting your own business #4

Product Innovation: Idea and USP – Do ideas always have to be new? I like to say, “grab something and grab Bluetooth”, a thought from the popular series “The Big Bang Theory”. The series was about the idea that men buy everything as soon as they get Bluetooth. Further thought, innovations can be constantly adapted. […]

Founder team: Co-founder or employee? – Starting your own business #3

Founder team: Co-founder or employee? If you want to start your first company or write your first business plan, you have to consider a lot. Starting with the founding team, through the idea to the product, price, distribution channels, financing, personnel and much more. An overview of all topics. What is really essential and what needs […]

Founders and requirements – Starting your own business #2

Founders and requirements – 4 questions for you! The most important questions have been clarified. You have thought about really everything, from the first analysis of your own skills as a founder to the business idea, the market, the customers, the product, your marketing, strategic and operational personnel planning, financial planning, advantages and disadvantages as […]

Personality and success: Speaker for charisma and charisma

Speaker Personality and Success – Are you looking for a keynote speaker for personality? We all know people with a very special personality or charisma. The charisma of a person often decides how we are perceived by our counterpart. Everyone knows the saying: “The first second counts”! Most of the time it is even the […]

Be relaxed: with energy for lecture – basics for speakers

As speakers and lectures on speeches, one is always faced with a completely new audience, that with partly great expectation concerning the quality and performance of the speech. The audience is often extremely heterogeneous and not specifically identified by a type of person or a professional group. In the same way

Social Media Marketing Gelsenkirchen

Information reaches people faster than ever before, whether news, recommendations or shopping tips. Our lives are becoming digital. Now questions arise: Is the digital world already being used profitably by your employees? Are your employees digitally networked in all relevant business processes,

Social Media Marketing Wiesbaden

Our entire lives, whether at work or in everyday life, are becoming more digital. Now questions arise for you: Is the new digital world already being used profitably by your team? Is your team already digitally connected? Does the online economy bring you sustainable profits? How are

Social Media Marketing Keynote Speaker New York

Life is more and more digital, whether in a professional or everyday life. Is the digital world already profitable for your team? Is your team digitally networked? Do you profit from online trading? How does your company react to the many new opportunities and opportunities in the marketing mix? Information, whether knowledge,

Social Media Marketing Keynote Speaker Munich

Information, whether news, recommendations from friends or even shopping tips, reach people today quickly and purposefully as never before. Not just since yesterday, the digital transformation in companies and industries in full, nobody has learned anything. The whole life, whether in the everyday life or in the job, is more digital.