Speaker Agency: Keynote Speaker One
How can we help you? Keynote Speaker One is your agency for experts and know how.
Experts, know-how and customers: One
On the one hand, our experts, who contribute know-how and their decades of experience. Through classic topics, but also innovation. On the other hand, our customers, who are constantly on the lookout for optimization opportunities, new know-how and knowledge, for employees, executives and managers.
That’s how 1 and 1 came together: One
With increasing demand, we have professionalized our experts and speaker placement, under the umbrella Keynote Speaker One.
Topics: Know-how in all facets
All speakers, one agency, one contact person – Speakings, workshops and coachings for executives, from innovation, personality / success in appearance to politics, technology and business in general. As well as speakers for training and education for employees, in sales, customer service, social media to team building. Our speaker agency also has prominent speakers in its portfolio, with topics such as motivation, business management but also real estate. Know-how and PR in one.
Our speaker agency was recommended to you? Then you will find the right contact persons directly here:
Services and success stories: The agency
If desired, our experts can also advise you on the choice of topics. One of our most important agency tasks is the constant, qualitative and quantitative expansion of our speaker portfolio. In this way, we also quickly become aware of new, interesting and exciting topics. This is how we expand our range of lectures, worldwide. For special tasks for banks, fashion companies but also other event agencies we also go on speaker research. Always when it comes to special lectures and topics. From speaking, workshops, mentoring to coaching with experts. Did you already know? If you wish, we can also help you with the organization of the event.
All speakers, one agency, one contact
Expert workshops in a small circle for executives. Guests who are flown in specially and ensure an extremely tight schedule. Presentations that also work with large audiences in halls and sometimes in stadiums. From a small circle of experts to an audience in a stadium. Who is in the audience? To whom is the speech addressed? All such aspects must be considered by the agency in advance of a speaker booking.
The work of the speaker agency already begins in the selection, i.e. in the pre-selection. Every lecture and every event has its own individual challenges, depending on the location, the guest list, the level of knowledge of the participants. All this must be taken into account in advance, in the planning.
Speaker Agency at a glance:
- Consulting in choice of topics and speakers
- Expansion of expert pool / range of presentations
- Speakers research for special presentations
- Portfolio: Speaking, Workshop, Mentoring, Coaching
- Procurement of prominent speakers
- Organization of events (on request)
Why book a speaker? Learn from experts
Speakers have little time, so the content has to sit from the first second. Often times are limited to 30-45 minutes, which requires that the content of a presentation and talk be extremely compressed. Even for larger events with a total length of 4 hours, which sounds long at first, the content is so compressed that the selection of topics in advance is one of the key organizational tools. We go into the concept together with them to find the best speaker.
As a keynote speaker at events, the preparation for the presentation itself, as well as the bundled information transport, is crucial for the sustainable understanding of the audience. Experts always respond individually to the level of knowledge of the participants, as the presentations are categorized into different levels of difficulty. This is the only way to guarantee success through the content.
If you want to book a speaker for the first time, here once in short, the times:
- Lecture: 30 to 60 minutes
- Workshop: 3-5 hours, sometimes also regular appointments
- Coaching / Mentoring: 1 hour – 2 days, partly also long-term
The topic design is difficult, because for a relatively complex and extensive topic one has only three quarters of an hour in the lecture.
Evergreens & Trends
Not only the classic lecture topics around sales, motivation, personnel can be found in our agency portfolio. There are also new topics such as social media, sustainability and digitalization. A small insight: “Digital Transformation”. Business, industry, society and politics experience change every day. The digital transformation is in full swing. People and systems are sending information around the world as quickly and specifically as never before. Photos from vacations, restaurant tips or even shopping tips. The message is then shown directly on the display of the new e-car. Brave new world!
For all of this to work, it takes global collaboration of know-how, political frameworks and supply chains. Everyone is talking about “digitization”, “Industry 4.0”, “autonomous driving” – but what does that mean for your company? How can you take advantage of opportunities? Up-to-date expert knowledge is worth its weight in gold here to position companies for the future.
Our speaker agency is your contact for speakers in Germany, Europe and the USA. You want to book a speaker? We are looking forward to your project and your request.
News: Speakers, topics and events
Read more news, in our Speaker Agency Blog.
Keynote Speaker One
Our agency has been in existence since 2018, and our greatest sense of achievement is that we still have existing customers from the first year for whom we book speakers and organize them on request. We bring know-how and companies together. Here you can learn more about our speaker agency, our tasks and services for you and our background: This is Keynote Speaker One.