VR, AI and digital avatars – Interview with an expert @ Online Marketing Rockstars / OMR
Virtual reality: VR, AI and digital avatars – When it comes to innovation in digital avatars, there are few as close as Stephan Czaja. Today saw the fifth interview in Germany with him, on the topic of digital avatars. Even better, even in the leading magazine for online marketing: OMR! How do digital avatars change marketing and advertising? What are the advantages, what are the disadvantages? An insight into the world of VR and a little, and more and more, AI:
The whole interview: Digital Avatars to AI
Read the full interview here
More interviews on the topic
Our expert has given some more exciting interviews and insights into the work, the first jobs and of course a little bit of the future.
Speaker: Digital Avatars / Influencers
Digital avatars, virtual reality and AI – summing up innovations is often difficult. This headline at least makes it to “Digital Avatars: Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Advertising.” It’s all about virtual people, on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube. Millions of people follow them and their stories, every day. Yet the phenomenon just emerged 1, 2 years ago. Digitization does not only affect machines and software, but also society. A look at the hype: