Social Media Marketing Essen

Information, whether current news, recommendations or even shopping tips, reach people quickly and specifically as never before. No one is unlearned in the profession. The digital transformation is in full swing. More and more marketing managers understand the trend towards modern concepts. Communication is the spread of news, emotions but also knowledge. Today, with smartphones, it reaches us humans quickly, like never before in the entire history. Our lives, whether at work or in our normal daily lives, are becoming more and more digital. Is the new digital world already being used profitably by your team? Is your company digitally connected? Are you personally benefiting from the digital economy? How are you responding to the various new opportunities in marketing in your decisions?
In our lectures in Essen, we as speakers provide answers to your specific questions. We speak in lectures from our own project experience, not from theoretical applied knowledge and know-how from books. In the lectures, we present best practices and the new highlights in marketing. Digitalization is always and everywhere present. As social media managers from the very beginning, we spend our time not only at work, but always on the social web, for example with friends or looking for entertainment.

We offer initial consultation for optimization, customer service and optimization

Do you know the process of creating digital brand fans? Through social media marketing, non-buyers become consumers, brand users and through their loyalty become true fans and ultimately brand sponsors for you. We speak for decision-makers and managers who are already aligning their company with the digital transformation or the digitalization of all markets through digital business models and social media marketing. Of course, all the lectures are also for freelancers and self-employed who want to expand their digital scope of action through social media.

Our agency gives you answers to the most important questions in social media marketing:

  • Is your industry impacted by the current digital transformation?
  • In what ways could you apply new things like social selling on YouTube and Instagram to your business?
  • How can I efficiently network my company digitally?
  • How do you convince influencers and brand ambassadors to promote your products digitally?
  • What technical know-how and expertise does your company need?
  • What is your company’s positioning and reputation in a digital world?

We focus the presentations on the following core areas: social media services, social commerce, social media marketing, social media optimization, content marketing and social media campaigns:

Send us your non-binding booking request now.

With experts for all core areas in marketing.

We as social media speakers and experts are watching the traditional social networks as well as the new social networks around the world. For experts, it’s all about developing the digital form of advertising for the next generation. This way, your brand can not only increase digital sales or online commerce, but also retail sales. As speakers, we pass on our experience to the new generation of managers in lectures. That’s why, as social media experts, we also appear quite often in front of TV cameras to make social networks and their internal dynamics and effects on your marketing understandable step by step. Simple, clear, understandable and with case studies as well as real insiders. Our experts.

Keynote Speaker for your upcoming event

The targeted presentation preparation is the most important thing for all keynote speakers in order to convey all content in an understandable and structured manner. The topic design can possibly be associated with more effort, because for a relatively extensive topic, you only have three quarters of an hour as a speaker. In the presentations, it is often noticed that many of the audience members in the workshop audience want to improve their understanding of social media, which is why our speakers consider audiences without expertise in our presentations. We have specially divided workshops into separate experience levels for our clients, so our speakers will be flexible to the personal knowledge and skill level of the guests. Your Speakers.

With practice to long-term success thanks to social media trainer

In order to keep their own departments operationally up to date, companies book us as experienced coaches. With full commitment and in trusting cooperation, strategies and concepts are developed with executives. One often starts with the absolute basics, with the basic possibilities of Youtube and Facebook. As a trainer, one spends a few hours, sometimes a few weeks, to fulfill the optimal result for you. More about our speakers and social media trainers.

More about our keynote speakers and authors. Our lecturers.

Lectures for social media campaigns, optimization and management

Which content you need to post and when is the best time for it, we prove with different best practices. No matter whether you need information about social commerce or monitoring, we will be happy to advise you further. At each appointment, we will find out which medium is best for your company’s online marketing. Interaction plays a central role in monitoring. We find out where and when people are discussing your company during social media monitoring. You can achieve a lot via Facebook and similar social networks. The ideal start even for beginners with practical, concrete cross-media strategies and an assessment and expertise of your potential opportunities after the presentations. Social networks will help your people gain potential customers, more reach and sales, and do so sustainably. Important comparative figures help to find the strongest social media accounts. The target audience must have a say in this at all times. The diverse audience can each be found actively on different social networks. Content is created over several working days. The previously defined goals that you want to achieve in your business with social media marketing and management, each company plans to increase the in-house sales. Since the user is on the net, often belittling and types of the form of address “you” are used. Essential is the content! The contact person is not addressed in the social networks. Satisfaction with the product increases brand loyalty and thus sales figures Customers should receive an answer to their question as quickly as possible. Therefore, as specialists in this area, among others, we are best fit, you and your company are on the best side. The respective differentiated social media have several differentiated functions. Brand fans offer essential span and expressive relevance to your accounts on social networks. Social networks need span. Put them on users instead of buying them from the company’s account.

What are influencers? Build brand fans strategically now and use creative tools from Facebook like retargeting pixels for lead generation.

In the cross-media marketing of companies we offer expertise for all social networks. Meet fans for the future through new advertising ideas planned concepts! multinational campaigns. Social Media Marketing designs for you precisely defined and targeted sweepstakes, but also efficient target group communication. Win new followers for long time with good concepts. Use the power of social media marketing now! international marketing campaigns. Interaction is what counts in social media marketing. A precisely selected target group raises the interaction rate like likes considerably for your company. viral events.