
Start a company & earn money – Start your own business #1

Starting your own business – You want to start your own business with your business idea? Know-how and expertise is the A&O. We support you with tips on your business plan and concept. Whether self-employed full-time or part-time self-employed: If you want to set up your own company, you have to think about a lot, […]

The perfect PowerPoint presentation: Free template for beginners

As a speaker you always need a very good presentation. It has to be processed by the speaker so that everyone can understand it quickly and easily. Especially during speeches at major conferences and congresses, a speaker often does not have a long time to transport the often many and complex contents and topics in […]

Be relaxed: with energy for lecture – basics for speakers

As speakers and lectures on speeches, one is always faced with a completely new audience, that with partly great expectation concerning the quality and performance of the speech. The audience is often extremely heterogeneous and not specifically identified by a type of person or a professional group. In the same way