
Start Up! Start a company within a company + Accelerator in SMEs and corporations

Speaker Start Up – Start Up! company in the company – Together with our speakers, we developed a great new concept a few years ago, which now has more than 1,000 guests and listeners per year. In the section “Startup! Startup within the company”, we have focused on small and medium-sized companies as well as […]

SEO Keynote Speaker: Search Engine Optimization for Google & Co.

Speaker SEO – Search engines are the drivers for many business sectors and one of the tools in marketing. Almost all inquiries go through them. Very few people visit sites or stores directly: almost everyone uses search engines. What is SEO actually? Search engine optimization, or SEO, deals with the placement of websites and online […]

Social Media Marketing Berlin

None of us are ever truly unlearned on the job. The digital transformation is in full swing. More and more managers understand the trend. Information, whether news, recommendations from friends or even shopping tips, reaches us people today quickly and specifically