Social Media Marketing Berlin

None of us are ever truly unlearned on the job. The digital transformation is in full swing. More and more managers understand the trend. Information, whether news, recommendations from friends or even shopping tips, reaches us people today quickly and specifically as never before. Our entire lives are more digital. Now new questions arise for you: Honestly, are you personally already benefiting from the digital economy? Is your company already benefiting from the new digital environment? How are you responding to the new possibilities and opportunities in the marketing mix? Communication Nowadays, it reaches us humans at a previously unknown speed in almost every place in the world, whether Tokyo, Los Angeles or New York.
We speak at lectures in Berlin from concrete experience from projects, not from theoretical applied knowledge and know-how from books. We live in the social web. In the lecture we present best practices from around the world and the new trends in marketing. In our lectures in Berlin we give detailed answers to your questions as speakers. Everywhere you can see the trend of digital transformation, not only online.

Social media presentations for optimization, services and optimization

We speak for managers who align your project through social media management and pure digital business models after the digital transformation or the digitization of all markets, for sustainable economic success in planned marketing. Of course, the lectures are also for publicists and freelancers who want to improve their digital scope of action through social media. Through social media marketing, turn current non-buyers into new consumers and, with luck, into sustainable brand users, then get them to become brand loyalists. This will turn them into true brand fans for your business and eventually brand sponsors who will be happy to recommend you to others.

Our speakers will give you the most important answers to your questions in our lectures:

  • How does digital transformation affect your industry?
  • Do you use social selling for your active promotion and marketing on social networks?
  • What are the positioning opportunities for your brand in a digital world?
  • How can you convince influencers of your idea for collaboration?
  • How can you network your company digitally efficiently?

We focus on these issues in our speeches:

  • Why social media?
  • Social media campaigns
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies
  • Social media services
  • Content marketing
  • Social media efficiency and optimization
  • Social commerce

Send us a non-binding booking request for your next conference.

We work with creative professionals and experience for all relevant online marketing decisions.

We as social media speakers and experts analyze the classic media, for example Youtube, as well as the new social networks. For experts, the conception is about thinking ahead the form of digital advertising in search engines, always finding new concepts and ideas. This way, your company can increase not only digital sales or online commerce, but also stationary sales at the point of sale. We pass on our knowledge in speeches to the current generation so that they can develop new methods from the know-how. Social networks offer both risks and opportunities, we also convey these on TV and radio. With case studies and paxis insiders, simply and understandably described. Our experts.

Speaker for Berlin Conferences

As a speaker at a large conference, preparation for the presentation is crucial. For individual knowledge, we have categorized all presentations into different levels of difficulty. As a speaker, you don’t even have an hour for a complex and extensive topic. We then give many of our speeches and presentations at events to audiences who are not experts in the field. Our social media consultants and speakers.

Coaches for your business thanks to social media marketing trainers

To keep teams, managers and employees permanently up to date, brands book us as trainers. In close cooperation with the managers, customized methods and strategies are developed. As a social media trainer you spend hours, sometimes weeks, in each department, with the teams, to achieve all goals for the client. Find out about our keynote speakers and trainers here.

Here you will find about our keynote speakers and authors. Our lecturers.

Speeches for management, commerce and social media campaigns

We know which social network is best for your brand and circumstances. We can advise you at any time, whether you need information about social media marketing or help for Commerce. At our presentations we will give you an initial expertise of your options, with practical, concrete multimedia strategies, the best start for social media marketers. Social media will help you gain potential customers, new reach and sales, and sustainably. Using various case studies, we communicate when the best times are and, of course, what content you need to publish. When monitoring, we find out when and how people are talking about your business. Essential metrics help to make the most effective social media accounts. A diverse audience finds each other on the different social media. Here, topics that are independent of each other should be staffed and scheduled in workflows. The subscriber should always have a say here. Goals that should be achieved with social media marketing and management are defined by each company. Since the user is in the net developed by US-Americans, often belittling and independent ways of addressing “you” are used. With us as content specialists your company is on the safe side and no mistakes will happen to you. Most relevant is the content! Enthusiasm multiplies the sales The contact person is not addressed on the social platforms. Customer service is most important to retain customers in the long run . Fans of your business provide essential reach and remarkable weight to your social media channels. It’s better to get users instead of getting them. Reach is essential to survival for different social networks. There are different features on each of the social social media.

Build brand fans today in a planned way, use smart tools like retargetingpixel for lead generation for your intended goals. Models are influencers, multipliers, opinion leaders and guiding figures

Reach new buyers through new advertising ideas thought out marketing strategies. Instagram, Facebook and Youtube we manage your fanpages with multimedia concepts. The more defined your target group is, the more often your user interaction rate of your channel will increase. Get the power of social media marketing for your event! Extremely fast reach increase. Get creative, tell your story to your fans on social media and gain fans for many years to come!