Social Media Marketing Stuttgart

No one is unlearned. The digital transformation is in full swing. More and more marketing managers are responding to the trend. Information, whether knowledge, news or recommendations, reaches us quickly as never before. Communication is the spread of news, emotions but also knowledge. Today it reaches people at an unprecedented speed. Our entire lives, whether in everyday life or at work, are increasingly digital and influence our actions. Now questions arise: Does digital commerce already bring profits to your company? Is the digital world already being used profitably by your employees? How do you react in your important decisions to the new opportunities and possibilities in modern marketing?

Lectures for holistic management, social commerce and advertising campaigns

Digitization is ever-present in all of our daily lives. In lectures, we speak from concrete experience from projects, not from theoretical applied knowledge from books. We are digital natives. We live in the social web every day. Using practical case studies, we show the new trends in marketing and ideas for social media marketing. As speakers, we provide answers to your questions.

We speak for managers who align their project with the digital transformation through digital marketing strategies and community-based social media marketing. As well as for freelancers and publicists who want to learn about the digital strategies of social media with all the new challenges for companies. Digital brand fans? Through your strategy, non-buyers become first consumers, brand users and through their loyalty become true brand fans and ultimately brand sponsors for you.

Our consultants will give you the most important answers to the relevant questions in our presentations:

  • How do you make your company fit for digitalization?
  • How can you use social selling profitably for your business?
  • What reputation could your project achieve in the digital world with marketing?
  • What expertise and technical know-how do your managers need?
  • Will your markets be permanently changed by the digital transformation?
  • How can I digitally network my company?
  • What methods do you use to attract influencers to market your products?

We focus on these points in our presentations:

  • Why social media?
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies
  • Social media services
  • Social e commerce
  • Social media campaigns
  • Social media efficiency and optimization
  • Content marketing

Send us your non-binding booking request for your next conference now.

With the right experts for groups and dynamics for all relevant core areas in online marketing.

As social media experts, we analyze the classic social networks, such as Facebook, as well as the new ones. So that social media marketing does not lose its effectiveness, we carry on strategies for our audience. This way your brand can increase digital but also retail sales. Passing on knowledge at some point also fills Speaker with joy. Social networks offer opportunities and risks, we also bring these closer to people in broadcast media, with all their facets. Understandable, clear and with industry insiders as well as case studies. Learn more about our keynote speakers and experts.

Keynote Speaker for your Social Media Event

As a speaker at a major conference or even a keynote speaker, the preparation of the subject talk is the most crucial thing. For individual knowledge levels, all our speeches are divided into experience-based experience levels. For a relatively complex topic, a speaker often has barely an hour. Many of our speeches are usually to an audience outside the subject. Your Social Media Marketing Speakers.

Success for your operational sales thanks to training

We are hired asSocial Media Managers by various companies and brands who want to bring their own departments up to speed. Instagram and Youtube, as a speaker you often start at the very beginning. As a trainer, you stay days with the managers so you can get the best outcome for you. As a trainer, it’s about always working closely with managers to plan strategies. Here you can find about our speakers and trainers.

Our social media consultants and writers. Your social media lecturers.

Social media speeches for services, advertising campaigns and social commerce

Through Facebook and similar networks, you can achieve a lot with your brand through targeted verification. When, where and how people talk about your company, we find out for you through monitoring in the analytics. Our consultants know right away which medium is the right one for online marketing for your brand. Our managers will advise you at any time, whether you need assessments on social media management or customer care. New outreach Gaining new customers and sales, social networks enable you to do all this. With various case studies we communicate what content your managers should post and when is the right time to do it. The ideal introduction even for beginners with concrete cross-media strategies and an assessment and expertise of your potential opportunities after the presentations. Key metrics are used to make the strongest social media profiles. The differing audiences are each active differently on different platforms. Here, different topics and content diverse content must be worked on in many different steps. The broad masses must be constantly considered here. Each company has individual goals, which it would like to create in the long term with social media marketing and management. Since the customer is not in the real world, often belittling and various forms of address “you” are used. Because our social media experts are the best at this and other things, you are in the best hands. On social media, we only use “Du”. The follower becomes the customer Content is the most important thing! To win the community the satisfaction of the consumers should be in line. There are ever various features in the social media. Reach is essential for the survival of the growing social networks. Tangible users, rather than plagiarism from China. Regularly engaged users scatter your product more and more.

Build brand fans immediately and use smart technologies like retargetingpixel for your targeted project KPIs to re-promote them. Influencers: How online marketing works with celebrities

The sharper your target group, the higher the interaction rate of your channel. Social Media Marketing designs for your project management a modern appearance in social media, targeted addressing of user groups and rapid increase in reach. international marketing campaigns. Get creative, tell your users a story in social media and inspire new fans for many years to come. Get the power of social media marketing! wide-reach events. Meet fans for the future through creative, new advertising ideas good strategies! Build long-term brand fans for yourself or your brand now with innovative social media marketing. With smart cross-media marketing concepts between Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.