Social Media Marketing Leipzig

Life, whether at work or in everyday life, is becoming increasingly digital. How is your company responding to the opportunities in your brand’s marketing mix? Is the digital world already being used profitably by your team? Is your business already digitally connected? Is the online economy bringing sustainable profits to your company? The new digital transformation is in full swing. None of us have learned everything. Information is reaching people faster than ever before, whether it’s recommendations, news, or even specialized knowledge. Communication It reaches us fast today like never before in the entire history.
In everyday life we are online 24 hours a day, we are permanently online. The digital transformation and digitalization are always present in our everyday life. As keynote speakers, we answer your questions at our lectures in Leipzig and throughout Germany. In our lectures, we discuss the new trends in marketing and also best practices. We speak from our own project experience, not from theoretical knowledge and know-how of third parties, from social media books.

Presentations for advertising campaigns, commerce and social customer service

Do you know the process of creating digital brand fans? Through your strategy, non-buyers become first consumers of your brand, brand users and through their loyalty become true fans and ultimately brand sponsors for your company. Our social media lectures in Leipzig inspire of course especially managers and employees who want to achieve the highest visibility and also managers who are already aligning their company with the digital transformation or digitalization wave through digital business models and social media management to increase the return on investment. And of course, all our lectures are also for publicists and self-employed who want to bring their digital strategies to the next level through social media.

Our agency gives you answers to questions in social media marketing:

  • How can you convince influencers of your company?
  • How could you use new things like social selling on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram profitably for your brand?
  • What expertise and technical know-how do you need to adapt to take advantage of the new digital opportunities and potential possibilities?
  • What positioning options does your brand have in the digital world?
  • How do you strategically position your company in the digital transformation?

We focus on these keywords in our presentations:

  • Why social media?
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies
  • Social media optimization and monitoring
  • Content marketing
  • Social media campaigns
  • Social commerce
  • Social media services

Send us a non-binding booking request.

We work with reliable professionals for groups and dynamics for the crucial core areas in social media marketing.

For innovative strategies in social media marketing, we develop multi-layered concepts and strategies. As social media speakers and experts, we look at the classic social networks, such as Facebook, as well as the new social networks. Only with new concepts, ideas and approaches can companies increase their sales through social commerce. As speakers, we pass on our knowledge to the next generation so that they can develop new strategies from it. As speakers, we also appear in front of TV cameras more often to explain social networks and their group dynamics and their effects on your marketing step by step. With insiders from social media managers and best practice case studies, brought closer in a simple and understandable way. Your experts.

Speaker for Social Media Events

As a speaker at conferences, preparation is crucial for conveying information in a comprehensible manner. We have specially divided presentations into different experience levels for our clients, so that our speakers can personally address the knowledge and skill level of the audience and thus promise a good presentation. The topic design may require a little more effort, as a speaker only has three quarters of an hour for a fairly complex topic like social media. Many people want to improve their understanding of social media. That’s why our speakers consider non-specialist audiences in our presentations. Here you can find about our social media speakers.

Trainer: With help to success

Teams on the state of affairs to have book us brands as competent coaches. As a coach, you are days, with under weeks, with your staff, so as to fulfill the best outcome for the client. We usually start at the very beginning, with the fundamental possibilities of YouTube and Instagram. As a coach, it’s about always creating concepts in trustful cooperation with the responsible employees, all over Germany and Europe. Your trainers.

Learn more about our keynote speakers and lecturers here. Find out about our speakers and authors here.

Social media presentations for social media campaigns, social commerce and social media services

Social networks will support you in gaining more sales, new customers and reach, of course sustainably. Whether you need information about social commerce, referral management or monitoring, our managers will advise you at any time. Our trainers know right away which network is the right one for your brand. Using various best practices, we show you what content you need to post and when the right time is. The easiest way to get started, even for beginners, with concrete strategies and an assessment and expertise of your existing opportunities after the presentations. When monitoring, we find out together when and how people are talking about your marketing on social media. Every company sets different goals, which it wants to create sustainable with social media marketing and management. In order to find the most important channels for you on social media, it is important to find the most serious figures of the reach. In your company must therefore always be considered by those responsible for the defined target group. In the different networks are target groups. The employees plan the content of the social media channel, which takes a lot of time. appropriate approach to the subscribers on the social media is very important. The contact person will not be used in the social networks. With us as content specialists, you and your social media channel are on the safe side and mistakes will never happen to you and your company again. The most important thing is the content! The love for the product increases the sales Since you should win customers in the long run, the satisfaction of the customers must be in line. The specifics of each social media platform is different. Buying subscribers is not bringing new users. Social media thrives on many people to be informed. To gain span, the company needs engaged an engaged community on social media.

Journalists are influencers, opinion leaders and multipliers Build brand fans for yourself and your agency now and use new tools from Facebook like retargetingpixel to re-promote them.

Rapid increase in reach. The sharper your target group, the more frequent the user interaction rate of your users. Media usage is shifting more and more to social networks. Our social media marketing designs multinational campaigns, rapid reach increase as well as highly targeted approach for you. In digital marketing, our social media agency has expertise for your campaigns. Get creative, tell a story to your fans and gain fans for many years to come. Perfectly planned: Power of social media marketing! Very targeted approach to user groups.