Social Media Marketing Keynote Speaker Guangzhou

Quickly and purposefully as never before reaches information the people, whether news, recommendations of friends or also shopping tips. It is not only yesterday that the digital transformation in companies and industries is in full swing. None of us ever learned anything. Our life, whether in the job or everyday life, is getting more and more digital. Does the online trade of your brand generate lasting profits? Will the new digital world be used by you already profitably? How do you react to the new opportunities and opportunities in marketing in your business decisions? Communication, the global spread of news, emotions, but also of knowledge, is achieved at almost any location in the world at a previously unknown rate.

Speaking for channels, commerce, and holistic management

On the web, we are as digital natives 24 hours a day. In lectures, we speak from concrete experience from projects, not from theoretical applied knowledge and know-how of third parties, from social media books, for example through lecturers. The trend towards digitalization in companies is everywhere. We answer your questions as speaker and keynote speaker on lectures. On the basis of practical examples, we will show you the new trends in marketing and ideas for your own social media marketing for companies.

Digital brand fans? Through social media marketing concepts become non-buyers to consumers, to brand users and through their loyalty to genuine fans and finally to brand sponsors for you. Our lectures in Guangzhou inspire, of course, managers and employees who want to achieve the highest reach. Of course also for freelancers and self-employed who want to expand their digital strategies through the opportunities of social media marketing.

  • How do you strategize your business in digital transformation?
  • How can you get your company Digital networking?
  • Is your industry influenced by digitalization?
  • How do you convince Influencer to market your products?
  • Brand in the new digital world with marketing?
  • Social media optimization and monitoring
  • Content marketing Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

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With experts and know-how for the relevant marketing decisions.

In social media management, the concept of digital campaigns is about developing the digital form of advertising and constantly finding new concepts! We as social media speakers and experts are monitoring the established social networks as well as the new social networks. With these methods, your brand can promote the digital but also the sale at the point of sale (POS). We pass on our knowledge to the current generation of managers so that they can develop new methods from them. Comprehensible, clear and with the latest insiders as well as best practice case studies. That’s why we also appear more often in front of the audience before TV cameras. In order to show them step by step social networks and group dynamics. Our Social Media Experts.

The speakers for high quality speeches

As a booked keynote speaker of a conference, the pre-conference preparation and the focused and bundled transport of information is always the decisive factor. For a relatively extensive and complex theme you have as a speaker only half an hour. Many of the audiences in the audience want to improve their understanding of social media. So, of course, we take special care of the audience without prior knowledge in all our speeches. We can react individually to the knowledge of our participants, since the lectures are divided into practice-oriented experience levels. Learn more about our speakers and Speaker.

Social Media Trainer: Coaches for your company

In order to have entire departments on the technological stage, book us brands as competent social media trainers. We usually start with the absolute foundations for beginners, with the foundations of Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. In close collaboration with the team, methods and strategies are planned. As a coach you are a few days, partial weeks, in the individual department, with the managers, in order to achieve for you the optimal result. Your Social Media Marketing Trainers.

Here you can find out more about our keynote speaker and Lecturers. Our authors.

Speaking for Social Commerce, Marketing and Networks

Social media can help your employees to gain sales, new customers and more reach and sustainably. We know right away which network is right for your fire and your individual circumstances. Our agency will advise you at any time, whether you need information about monitoring or social media marketing. The easiest way to start with concrete strategies and an expertise of your possibilities after the lectures. Interaction plays an important role in monitoring. When, where and how your products are spoken in social networks, we find out for you by monitoring in the analyzes. Using different best practices, we communicate when the ideal time is, and, of course, what content your employees have to publish. Every brand has personal goals for the sale that it wants to create with social media management. The different public is regularly visible on various platforms. The content is planned on different working days. The setting of key figures is an important part of the processing of your social media channel. The subscriber must be able to co-determine at any time. In the social networks the salutation should fit. On the social media is not gesiezt. With us as a content specialist, your company is in safe hands and you will never make more mistakes. That’s why fans’ questions should also be answered on the social media at any time. Satisfaction with the product increases brand loyalty and therefore the sales figures Essential is the content! Real dear a real community, rather than plagiarism from China. The different social platforms have several characteristics. Social media needs reach. In order to attract followers, the company needs committed users.

Actors are Influencers, Multipliers, Sentiments and Leaders Build your brand brands strategically, and use creative technologies such as Retargetingpixel to increase your real-world reach for your targeted project KPIs.

The sharper your own target group is determined, the stronger your interaction of your social media channel. We work with professionals from the personal network of specialists and experience for the relevant decisions in onlinemarketing. Virality (oral propaganda) is the deciding factor, it is about the success of companies. With innovative and multimedial advertising strategies between Facebook, Yotube and Instagram. Targeted addressing of user groups. With smart and multimedial advertising strategies between Youtube, Twitter and Facebook. Tell your users in social media a corporate history and win fans for your brand and for many years. Take advantage of Social Media Marketing for your event now! Precisely defined and targeted profit games. Now build branded brands and use new technologies such as retargeting pixels for lead generation for your targeted project KPIs.