Social Media Marketing Augsburg

Information, whether it’s the latest news, recommendations from friends or shopping tips, reaches us faster than ever before. The whole life is always digital and changes our actions. Honestly, do you personally benefit from online commerce? Is the digital world already being used profitably by your company? How are you responding to the opportunities and possibilities in your brand’s marketing mix in your important decisions? Communication It reaches us humans today with smartphones at previously unheard of speeds almost anywhere in the world. No one is unlearned. Digital transformation is in full swing. More and more managers are responding to the trend towards modern concepts.

Initial consultation for social media campaigns, optimization and marketing

As speakers, we provide answers to your individual questions on the subject of social media. In everyday life, we are twenty-four hours a day. The trend of digital transformation of markets and industries can be seen everywhere, not only in online retail. In lectures, we speak from concrete experience, not theoretical knowledge from books. In our lectures, we address the new trends in marketing and unique best practices.

Turn non-buyers into consumers, into brand users and bring them to final brand loyalty. Because this is how non-buyers become true brand fans and ultimately brand sponsors. We speak for CEOs and managers who align their project with the digital transformation or the digitalization of all markets through social media and digital business models. Likewise for publicists and self-employed who want to learn more about the digital strategies of social media.

In our lectures in Augsburg, our consultants will give you the most important answers to the questions relevant to social media marketing:

  • Perception: what reputation strategies could your firm achieve with marketing in the digital world?
  • How do you position your company strategically and operationally in the digital transformation?
  • Are you already using social selling for marketing?
  • How can you digitally network your company?
  • Are your markets influenced by the current digitalization?
  • What technical know-how and expertise do you need to adapt?
  • How can you use concept to convince influencers of your company to work with your brand in the long term?

We focus on these points in our speeches:

  • Why social media and marketing?
  • Social Media Marketing Concepts
  • Social media services
  • Social e commerce
  • Social media campaigns
  • Content marketing
  • Social media optimization and monitoring

Send us a non-binding booking request now.

When it comes to digital marketing, our agency has experts for all your user interaction on social networks.

In social media management and marketing, the conception of campaigns is about further developing the new, form of digital advertising. As social media experts, we look at the established social media as well as the new social networks worldwide. Because only through innovative ideas, approaches and concepts can brands optimize online commerce through social commerce. Giving knowledge is one of the most important tasks in management. With case studies and paxis insiders, understandable and simple, even for social media marketing beginners, explained. Social networks offer both opportunities and risks, we also convey these in broadcasting. Learn more about our social media experts.

Social Media Speaker for Social Media Events

The presentation preparation is the most important thing for all speakers at speeches in Augsburg to convey all the information understandable and structured. Then you have as a speaker often only half an hour. If it runs well one hour to pack his complex subject area structured and clear for the audience. Many of the audience members at the congress want to improve their understanding of social media, which is why many of our presentations are aimed at an audience that is actually outside the field. For our clients, we have specially divided lectures into different levels of difficulty, so our speakers can flexibly address the respective knowledge level of the audience. More about our speakers and social media speakers.

Coaches for your business thanks to social media marketing training

To keep teams always up to date, companies book us as coaches for social media. For consulting services, we sometimes spend a lot of time with the managers, in order to meet all the agreed goals for the customer and to optimize sales. As a coach, it is always about designing concepts in trusting, joint work with the managers, in Augsburg Germany. In addition, there are many new other significant networks as well as Snapchat, Twitter as well as Pinterest and of course new direct marketing methods as with Whatsapp or through bots in Facebook. Your social media marketing consultants and trainers.

Here you can find more information about our speakers and social media authors. Our social media lecturers.

We offer help for advertising campaigns, commerce and social customer service

Gaining potential customers, reach and sales, social networks allow you to do all this. When monitoring social networks, we find out where and when people are discussing your marketing in social media. In best practices, we communicate when the ideal times are in Augsburg and, of course, what content you need to publish. Our trainers find out which social network is right for your company. Our agency will be happy to advise you, whether you need tips on social media marketing or customer support. At our presentations, we give you an initial assessment of your potential opportunities in social media marketing, with specific suggestions for action, from an agency perspective the best way to get started with social media. On the different social networks are different target groups. The content is developed in many steps. The pre-set goals that you can achieve in your company by means of social networks, every company plans to increase the in-house sales. In order to find the most valuable channels on social media, important metrics such as subscriber count should be tracked down. From the managers responsible in your company, it is always necessary to consider the target audience. Since the customer is on the internet developed by US-Americans, belittling and ways of addressing “you” are often used. To make customers happy, consumer satisfaction should be in harmony. Content is most important! Subscribers are only ducked on social media. Because Keynote Speaker One knows best in the field, you and your company are on the right page. Enthusiasm increases sales brand fans provide your social media channels essential reach and remarkable weighting. Not fake followers from Japan, but tangible users. The specifics of different social media platforms is different. The differing social networks thrive on a lot of reach.

Build brand fans in a planned way starting today with social media management and use creative technologies like retargetingpixel to re-target them for your intended goals. Influencer: How Online Marketing Works with Bloggers

Social media marketing enables extremely fast reach increase for you, as well as a modern digital presence. multinational social media campaigns. Perfect results: Power of Social Media Marketing! Rapid increase in reach. Reach together with us as social media manager fans for a long time through creative, new ideas good concepts. Tell your Augsburg fans a story in social media and win, especially as a start up fans for many years.